Marc LenzEnvironmentalism is a Lost CauseEnvironmentalism will always lose, because it dries up money, it cannot generate money. Trees, rocks, soil, sand, river, clean air, these…Sep 19, 2024Sep 19, 2024
Marc LenzPropaganda and Truth. Right and WrongThe hard part is to convince people that you are right The harder part is to convince people that they have to take action The hardest part…Aug 29, 2024Aug 29, 2024
Marc LenzHigh Tech UtopiaSocieties decline and collapse, not because of lacking in high tech, but rather the lack of ubiquitous low tech and knowledge. It is not…Aug 15, 20242Aug 15, 20242
Marc LenzModern society human sex. We become bonobos.The end goal is to transform human society to that akin of bonobo society.Jun 21, 2024Jun 21, 2024
Marc LenzThe Crux of Modern LifeIs being haunted by a sense of inadequateness of various forms in all permeating fields, sometimes subtle, sometimes profound. Not enough…Jun 17, 20241Jun 17, 20241
Marc LenzThe Road to Hell is Paved with Good Intentions“The road to hell is paved with good intentions” — Old ProverbJun 9, 2024Jun 9, 2024
Marc LenzTruths of the WorldMind blown shocking documentary, you must watch now!May 21, 20241May 21, 20241
Marc LenzBarbarian Theory of Enslavement1. Only I and I only deserve greatness. Everyone must kneel and become dirt or accept my wrath and atrocities.Nov 3, 2023Nov 3, 2023
Marc LenzThe Goal is to Destroy Critical ThinkingDestroy critical thinking and eliminate any form of marginally mentally demanding thought process. Succumb yourself to feelings and…Apr 7, 2024Apr 7, 2024
Marc LenzMoney — the ultimate measurement of value of everything, including lifeIf the theme of cyberpunk and our world is high tech, low life, one couldn’t help but wonder, when confronted with the reality of it, why…Sep 22, 2023Sep 22, 2023
Marc LenzCity is a zooNot just city, but any dwelling that bears no resemblance and has no essence of the natural habitat.Aug 15, 2023Aug 15, 2023
Marc LenzSpiritual PovertyHis labour is not his own, but owes a large portion of it to his leaders, superiors, and government tax.Jul 22, 2023Jul 22, 2023
Marc LenzSociety and the Human RealmIn its nascent, before society, it was community, a group of people that care for each other and to live in nature in harmony and brave…Jul 22, 2023Jul 22, 2023
Marc LenzInternet become Real LifeThe internet has become more intrusive, scammy and shitty. Surprise, it becomes more like real life.May 15, 2023May 15, 2023
Marc LenzWhy would humans want to suicide? Suicide are very rare in animals, except if…May 3, 2023May 3, 2023
Marc LenzNo one need to spend 25 years for an ‘education’ It should be:May 9, 2023May 9, 2023
Marc LenzSuicide Prevention as an Oppression Apr 16, 2023Apr 16, 2023
Marc LenzWhy hypocrisy?The need to maintain a facade. If they are seen to conduct their acts out in the open and public, they would receive instant backlashes.Apr 14, 2023Apr 14, 2023