Marc LenzShort Story CollectionCrimes Ancient Virus Status of Human Artificial Intelligence Moon Tax Fish Existence Return of Ancient Gods Sacrifice Demon Haunted Village…Mar 25, 2023Mar 25, 2023
Marc LenzCrimes Compared to the last decade, statistics has shown that the crime rate has reduced by as much…Mar 25, 2023Mar 25, 2023
Marc LenzAncient Virus No one knows how did it happened. Experts suggest that it is very likely an ancient virus…Mar 21, 2023Mar 21, 2023
Marc LenzStatus of Human Some have raised concerns over the status of human as a pet. Let us consider some historical…Mar 21, 2023Mar 21, 2023
Marc LenzArtificial Intelligence The human has long talked about the rise of artificial intelligence, and the existential…Mar 21, 2023Mar 21, 2023
Marc LenzFish One day, in the ocean, a fish met a whale.Mar 3, 2023Mar 3, 2023
Marc LenzOne day, a rock, a drop of water, and air, find themselves in front of God.“ From today onwards, you all live here,” says God.Mar 3, 2023Mar 3, 2023
Marc LenzReturn of Ancient Gods They have returned.Mar 3, 2023Mar 3, 2023
Marc LenzSacrifice The ritual has started.Mar 3, 2023Mar 3, 2023
Marc LenzDemon Haunted Village On the land, there is a village.Mar 3, 2023Mar 3, 2023
Marc LenzLegend of the Blue Sea “ Look at all of these, it’s obvious, isn’t it? “Mar 3, 2023Mar 3, 2023
Marc LenzMore, Ever, Faster In the grand hall of the city, the council gathered together to devise a solution.Mar 3, 2023Mar 3, 2023
Marc LenzBlessings of Rat Plagued by famine and infestation of rats eating their grains and reserves, the…Mar 3, 2023Mar 3, 2023
Marc LenzCIiff The massive train goes on full speed and is accelerating. The only problem is that…Mar 3, 2023Mar 3, 2023